Changeover June 2022
In late June 2022 the club’s 43rd Changeover was celebrated.
Total attendance was 54 which included special guest Past District Governor Andy Rajapakse who
introduced his guests Varuna & Sumika Gunatillake.
Chairman Gherry called upon Gillian Reeve to propose a toast to Rotary International to which PDG Andy replied.
After providing some hilarity for the evening Chairman Gherry asked PDG Andy to present Ron and Allison Borland each with a Paul Harris Fellow Award which was accepted with grace and much surprise.
The Fellowship Award, which was determined by his peers, was presented by PDG Andy to Colin Welch.
President Ron Borland provided his report on the year in office and achievements and then invited Alan MacDonald to come forward and be inducted as the 2022-2023 President of Mermaid Beach Rotary Club. He then presented him with the President Pin, the Charter, President’s sash, briefcase and the new Honour Board.
Owner: Christine O'Connor
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